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Teamwork makes the Dream Work

Hi, I’m Taylor

By Day: Designer & Co-Owner at King Lion Creative  |  Graphic Designer at MOO

By Night: cat mom, concert-goer, political drama tv enthusiast, aspiring urban homesteader

Current Goals: Get more comfortable with rope climbing and settle in to our new place (designers designing their new space? will we ever really settle?)

What I’m drinking in April: I’m traveling to Charleston at the beginning of the month and am excited to try some local goodies there (Jimmy Red whiskey?!)

Hometown: Scranton, PA (yes, like The Office)

Howdy, I'm Gio

By Day: Designer & Co-Owner at King Lion Creative  |  General Manager at Improper City

By Night: cat dad, backcountry snowboarder, cider maker, gardener

Current Goals: Building a new garden, finalizing my truck camping setup, and getting outdoors more

What I’m drinking in April: Daiquiris, Mojitos, really anything with quality rum...

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA (leggo Pens!)

Supporting Players

We partner with some other uber talented freelance professionals when your projects extend outside of our wheelhouse. Sharing connections and keeping everything under one umbrella ensures a cohesive style and smooth experience for everyone. Whatever you’re in need of, we will get the best team together.

Happy People have Projects

Happy People have Projects

Make a Connection

We'd love to meet up at your favorite spot to have a drink and discuss your needs. Everything's better with a beer, let's get working on your brand!
Interested in working together? Have a really good joke you want to tell? A new beer recommendation you're dying to share? Drop us a note at